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The webinar for The Elsevier Publishing Landscape and JWPE

Updated on March 1st, 2023

The webinar for The Elsevier Publishing Landscape and Journal of Water Process Engineering (JWPE) was held on March 1st, 2023, which is co-organized by Elsevier, JWPE Editorial Office and International Forum of Water Sustainability, and supported by Int’l AWR Center. Dr. Luaine Bandounas, the Executive Publisher of Elsevier based in Oxford, UK and Prof. Xiaochang Wang, Co-Editor in Chief of JWPE were invited to give presentations and hold discussion with the Chinese attendees of the webinar. Over 13000 researchers, technologists, and students joined the webinar.

Prof. Rong first extended a warm welcome to all the experts from home and abroad who participated in the webinar, and introduced the background and guests respectively.



Next, Dr. Luaine gave the presentation with the topic of “The Elsevier Publishing Landscape” and introduced the publishing models, publishing steps, authorship & responsibilities, peer review and editor decision of Elsevier, and gave advice on how to choose right journals for authors. 



Afterwards, Prof. Wang delivered the speech entitled “JWPE and Its Aims & Scope”. Prof. Wang introduced the journal overview including article submission and acceptance, journal rank based on JCR reports, and its aims & scope respectively. Prof. Wang emphasized the great increase in article submission and acceptance from China from 2018 to 2022 and hope Chinese authors could contribute articles with higher quality in the future.



After the presentation, the webinar moved to questions and discussions. The guests held discussions and put forward guiding views and suggestions to the online audience, including how to use Elsevier auxiliary tools or services, how to trace the status of articles, and how to improve the article citation.